The leak from OppoMart spotted on Weibo confirmed that the OnePlus 5 will come with a 5.5-inch QHD (2560x1440) screen, Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 835 SoC, 6GB of RAM and 64GB/128GB of UFS 2.1 internal storage. The image used by the OppoMart retailer is the same leaked render of the black model with dual-camera, so the rear dual-lens 12-megapixel camera is pretty much confirmed.
The rest of the specifications include a front fingerprint scanner, an 8-megapixel front camera for selfies and a 3,600mAh battery with fast-charging technology.
The retailer also slapped the US $449 price tag, which does not sound bad considering its specifications. Of course, this is still an unconfirmed leak and OnePlus has still to confirm all these specifications.