Qualcomm did not officially reveal a lot of information regarding its new Snapdragon 835 SoC, other than it will be made by Samsung on 10nm FinFET manufacturing process. Qualcomm also revealed that it will feature the new Quick Charge 4 technology as well as the Snapdragon X16 Gigabit class modem. Earlier this month, Microsoft also joined the game announcing that the next generation Qualcomm Snapdragon processors have full Windows 10 support, including the Snapdragon 835.
We wrote a lot about the Snapdragon 835 SoC and the latest leak suggested it will have an octa-core (4+4) design based on the updated Kryo 200 architecture, and come with the new Adreno 540 GPU, which should be around 30 percent faster than the Adreno 530 GPUl. The leak also talked about support for 4x LPDDR4 1866MHz memory as well as UFS 2.1 storage support.
Qualcomm posted a small teaser at its Twitter page saying that the "Snapdragon 835 processor will come into focus at CES 2017". Other rumors suggest that the first smartphone with the Snapdragon 835 SoC will be Samsung's Galaxy S8, expected sometime in April. Of course, you heard all of it first at Fudzilla.