According to earlier rumors, the Huawei P10 is likely to pack a 5.5-inch panel with QHD resolution as well as the new Kirin 960 SoC, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The earlier renderings of the prototype also unveiled the rear dual-camera setup with Leica technology.
The newest set of rumors caught by suggests that the screen will feature dual-curved edges, meaning it will be curved on all sides, something that is now known as the dual-curved screen.
The same sources also suggest that it will have a fingerprint sensor under the front main button as well as possible wireless charging, which will be a rather big surprise, considering that previous flagships from Huawei used a metal unibody design, which does not bode well with wireless charging.
Bear in mind that these are still rumors as we do not expect Huawei to unveil its new flagship before Mobile World Congress 2017, which kicks off in Barcelona on February 27th.