Published in Mobiles

Apple fanboys drill into their iPhone 7s

by on26 September 2016

Some people are too thick to live

YouTube meanies played a cruel trick on people stupid enough to upgrade their iPhone 7s by telling them a "secret hack" to get a headphone jack which involved drilling into the phone.

Working on the basis that people who thought buying the iPhone 7s were rather dim, TechRax  knocked together a video showing users how they could install a headphone jack in their new phone and not need expensive and ineffective wireless headphones.

The video shows a “secret hack” which involves drilling into a phone to install the headphone jack, and while most people would see the humour in this, the sort of people who buy an iPhone 7 are exactly the sort that might actually think it is for real.

The Tame Apple Press is furious with TechRax for being responsible for a number of people actually drilling holes into their iPhone 7 handsets. The YouTube video has amassed over 7.5 million views since being posted online last week, with it attracting 81,000 dislikes in the process.

The dislikes come from those who think that the whole thing is a grave insult to the Apple religion. We thought the comment from one Apple fanboy that “while there are starving children in Africa you have ruined a piece of technology” was particularly strange. If you are so worried about starving children in Africa why did you waste your money buying an expensive phone which is not much different from last year’s model?

What is a little more worrying though was how many people who tried the “hack” out for themselves and found it did not work.

“I was halfway through drilling and I realised you were messing with me. What do I do know?”

“I don’t think I was using the right sized drill bit, can you tell me which one I should have been using.”

“I ended up with a display malfunction, these instructions are not good enough to follow safely.”

Yeah we don’t know how many of the complaints are real, because we don’t believe that people could be that stupid. However they did actually buy an iPhone 7 so you can’t be too sure about that.There are warnings in the Tame Apple press about it too.


Last modified on 26 September 2016
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