Apple fanboys who believe everything they read are rushing to put their new iPhones in the microwave ovens. Apparently, the trend started after 4chan started an internet rumour which claimed that you could charge your iPhone 6 by putting it in the Microwave. Actually it was a little funnier than that. They invented some fake advert for a product called the iWave which was supposed to provide instructions for charging the phone in the microwave.
What they did was use similar language to Apple which is all double dutch and full of buzz words and then spammed social media sites with it claiming that iWave was part of the new iOS 8, which is Apple’s latest broken mobile operating system. And it looks like more than a few people either fell for it and more than a couple of fanboys melted their phones trying it out.
Now the tame Apple press is actually writing stories about how evil 4chan is and how Apple fanboys should not place their phone in the Microwave. Really, if someone is that stupid how on earth do they do something taxing like turn their phone on?
While Apple has a reputation for appealing to the technologically illiterate, it also seems to be going for the “lack opposable thumbs” market. Still footballers have to buy their smartphones from someone.