The company will now develop software to Samsung for its latest flagship Note 3. According to al-monitor this three-year deal just became public despite the fact that Lucid GameXtend has been the part of Galaxy Note 3 since its launch in September 2013. The software is helping the graphics processors of the Galaxy Note 3 to reduce computation operation and can result with extending the battery life up to 50 percent. Even if it can save some battery life in this huge screen power hungry phone, it sounds like a nice feature.
The most interesting part of the agreement is that Lucid software technology will expand to other Samsung devices that will show up over the next three years, but it is not clear if the technology will become available on some current models. We assume it won’t.
Lucid also works on NavExtend and WebExtend, technologies that should save some battery life in navigation software and web browsing. There is no doubt that some of the products coming from Lucid got much attention from key industry players. Samsung is a global leader in fight against Apple and it is the first outfit to start using this promising technology.
Other chipmakers are working along similar lines. Nvidia can save significant amounts of power with its Nvidia's PRISM technology (or Pixel Rendering Intensity and Saturation Management) that will reduce backlight levels in case the pixel would be in dark part of the scene. These technologies can help battery life and we are sure that Samsung got the Lucid deal as some of these Xtend technologies from Lucid can do a good job.
You can get more details here.