As expected, Apple has unveiled the biggest iOS user interface to date. The new look is represents a shift from skeuomorphism and gently bevelled icons. It looks “flatter” that the iOS we all know and love, like the love child of iOS and Windows Phone 8.
Skeuomorphism, which is basically the use of real-world textures and colours is also gone. We have to admit that we’ll miss it, as it was one of the key aspects of iOS design for years, giving it its retro look and feel.
There are some new features as well, and Android users could know a few of them from Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. iOS 7 includes automatic app updates, a swipe-up control centre which features the most frequently used functions, such as wi-fi and Bluetooth toggles, the ability to use Bing in Siri, while Siri itself has a few new voices. It also boasts an antitheft feature and redesigned fonts.
Sadly though, the actual update is still months away and it is expected to land this autumn.
Apple also used the opportunity to announce iTunes Radio, which looks rather nice but it is hardly a groundbreaking service. In any case it might be popular among people who get bored with their playlists quickly, or who like to sample new music.
More here.