The HTC M7 is said to feature a 1.7GHz Snapdragon quad-core chip, obviously of the Krait variety. Two gigs of RAM are also on board, along with 32GB of storage. It also supports LTE and 42Mbps HSDPA and the camera has also been upgraded to a 13-megapixel sensor.
However, if you were expecting a 5-inch display, look elsewhere, as the M7 sports a 4.7-inch 1080p SoLux display, said to offer superior performance over SLCD2 screens used on the One series. We think this is a good thing. Not everyone wants a 5-inch phone and many consumers even find 4.6 or 4.7-inch phones a bit too unwieldy.
Jelly Bean and Sense 5 are also on board. No word on pricing or availability just yet.
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