Published in Mobiles

Dashing Sony Xperia P ships in Germany

by on20 May 2012

€354 bitte

Sony’s new Xperia P has gone on sale in Germany and retailers are kindly asking €354 to €370 for Sony’s new aluminium-clad beauty.

The Xperia P is a pretty interesting mid-range phone, with a sleek all-metal design, 4-inch White Magic 960x540 display and an 8-megapixel BSI camera. It is powered by 1GHz ST-Ericsson NovaThor U8500 processor, features 1GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. There is no microSD slot and the 1350mAh battery is not user replaceable.

Many will probably point to the relatively small battery as an issue, but Sony claim that the U8500 is one of the most efficient chips out there. Furthermore, the White Magic display, with an additional white pixel in the RGB matrix, should also help extend battery life. In fact, some reviewers claim battery life is better than on the Xperia S.

sony xperiaP 1

Downsides? Well, it still ships with Gingerbread, but an ICS update should roll out soon. At about €350 it is pretty good value for money, considering the aluminium build and what appears to be a pretty good Exmor R backside-illuminated camera sensor.

You can check out the listings here, but only the black version is available, although the silver and red should show up in a matter of days. Contract lovers will have to wait a while, as telecoms are still not offering the Xperia P, at least not in our neck of the woods.

Last modified on 20 May 2012
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