HTC’s earnings slump in Q1
Second consecutive quarter
The company’s consolidated revenues for Q1 2012 stand at $2.29 billion. The gross margin was 25.03 percent, which is a 2.08pp on-quarter drop and 4.22pp on-year drop.
HTC’s CEO Peter Chou attributed the drop to strong iPhone 4S competition in the US. Chou confirmed that the company will launch its LTE and HSPA+ supporting, One-branded smartphones via AT&T and T/Mobile as well as LTE supporting EVO with Sprint Nextel in Q2.
Although the LTE and HSPA+ charge should increase the company’s market share in the US, Chou conceded that it is impossible for HTC to retake the dominant market share it once had there. On the other hand, the company has done quite well in Europe and Asia and expects further growth in these regions, particularly China.
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