Google's Android platform has taken the lead in the US smartphone market. NPD Group said that in the third quarter, devices with the Android operating system were installed in 44 per cent of smartphones. Jobs' Mob's iPhone came in second place with 23 per cent.
RIM’s BlackBerry trailed behind in third place with 22 per cent. NPD tracks consumer activity, but doesn’t measure corporate mobile phones purchases which is RIM's key market. However it should scare the pants off Apple which depends on its consumers. Ross Rubin, executive director of industry analysis for NPD Group said that Android has a very strong story to tell in terms of lack of licensing fees, high degree of customization and a significant advantage in terms of an app market.
NPD's research follows another tech research firm Canalys said that Apple was able to muscle past RIM, shipping 5.5 million smartphones in the third quarter, compared with 5.1 million for RIM. But because Android does not charge for its software and is available on a range of devices, it catapulted to the top spot with 9.1 million shipments in the third quarter.
Jobs has been slagging off Android lately saying that app developers are turned off by having to create multiple versions of the software for the numerous devices that run on Android.