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BlackBerry 8350i gets an OS upgrade fixes some issues, another upgrade coming
Those Sprint Nextel users that have recently upgraded to the BlackBerry Curve 8350i will be delighted to know that an upgrade has been released to address some issues that owners have been having since the 8350i was released.
The BlackBerry OS upgrade, which is version, addresses some of the issues, but the “echo issue” that has been a major issue for owners is not contained in this release. Sprint has said that they are working closely with RIM to address this issue and they expect a second maintenance OS upgrade to address this issue soon.
In the meantime, those users that are suffering with the “echo” issue may find that they can use the included headset that comes with the phone to help alleviate the problem as a temporary workaround for the problem.
Sprint is making the upgrade available via their Web site and the company is reaching out to IT administrators that have deployed the 8350i to get update out to enterprise customers.