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Prototype Javelin sold for $17,100
eBay buyer shells out a lot of cash to be first
As we have been telling you for sometime now, RIM is working on a new replacement for the Curve that is right now known as the BlackBerry Javelin.
As outlandish as this might sound, a prototype or test BlackBerry Javelin has been sold on eBay for an incredible $17,100 USD. The winning bidder, who goes by the eBay handle jdavidson31, is the lucky winner of the auction.
While we know that the Javelin is still a bit away from making a formal launch, we have to wonder who would be foolish enough or wealthy enough to shell out this kind of cash for a prototype device that isn’t even finished yet.
Should the buyer actually pay this sum and then receive delivery of a working prototype Javelin, we have to wonder why someone would do this. Yes, you might be first to have it, but what do you really have?
It all seems a bit stupid to us; and we have to wonder if RIM will try to catch up with this seller, as these units are likely traceable and marked “not for resale.” Not an investment that we would make, that’s for sure.