Hitting the memory frequency of 5000MHz was pretty much reserved for systems running with liquid nitrogen cooling but, recently, memory makers have managed to push the frequency of their modules to a whole new level, mostly thanks to Samsung's DDR4 B-die ICs.
Although this does not mean that we will see DDR4-5000 kits on retail/e-tail shelves, it does show that it is possible to hit such frequency with current memory chips and, according to G.Skill's Corporate Vice President, Tequila Huang, it marks a major milestone for the company, especially since such high frequency was only achievable in extreme overclocking and in single-channel configuration.
According to the screenshot provided by G.Skill, its 16GB DDR4-4700 Trident Z RGB dual-channel kit was running at 2503.7MHz with CL 21-26-26-46 latency on an MSI Z370I Gaming Pro Carbon AC motherboard with an Intel Core i7-8700K CPU.
G.Skill also provided the CPU-Z validation link and noted that the company will make every effort to bring this specification to the consumer market.