Published in IoT

Samsung thinks BoTs are hot for the IoT

by on11 January 2016

Internet of Things will need a large BoT

Samsung has been thinking laterally about the Internet of Things and has decided to invest shedloads in batteries.

Samsung SDS CEO Hong Won-pyo told the Koran Times that the Internet of Stuff will need billions of tiny yet highly connected devices to work, and these devices need equally tiny and extremely efficient power sources. He has got his team making a new generation of batteries.

Samsung SDI America vice president Fabrice Hudry said that batteries were taking Samsung into the age of IoT.
"For the IoT to work, we also need an age of the Batteries of Things (BoT)."

Personally we think he needs to work on that acronym after all it is a gift for headline writers looking for bottom gags or references to robots for those magazines are a little more prunish.

Hudry said, "Batteries are revolutionising transport by powering electric vehicles and finally allowing us to store renewable energy."

Apparently it is all about "design flexibility" which will help demand grow for IoT devices and small wearable batteries will give IoT an edge.
Samsung is developing batteries that are ultra slim, light and bendable.

The SDI executive showed off its latest "Stripe Battery," which he claims is a next-generation thing, with features such as fibre-like flexibility and innovative energy density.

"Our batteries can be charged really quickly," Hudry said. "Consumers don't like waiting for a battery to charge. That's why we have developed batteries that charge to 50 percent in about 15 minutes. These fast-charging high-capacity batteries will help the IoT ecosystem to flourish ... and soon you will see them in many IoT devices."

Last modified on 11 January 2016
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