Unlike Android Wear watches, the Vivowatch dispenses with a juice guzzling SoC and screen. It features a monochrome 128x128 pixel screen, runs a proprietary operating system on an unspecified processor (although we have some thoughts about the chip inside, but nothing we can confirm yet).
While the watch isn’t feature packed like Android Wear designs and the Apple Watch, you still get some nifty features. Gorilla Glass 3 should keep scratches away, there’s a motion detector, a heart rate monitor and a UV light sensor. The watch weighs 50g and uses standard 22mm bands. (That’s 22mm, not 22nm… Intel fanboy. Ed)
The watch is IP67 certified, which should offer a degree of protection if you don’t mind hiking and biking in rainy weather. Prices start at €149, which isn’t a lot cheaper than entry-level Android Wear devices, but then again you won’t have to charge the Vivowatch on a 5-day camping trip.