Warner confirms GOTY edition of Arkham City
Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC coming soon, as well
Arkham city story DLC coming?
Said to focus mostly on Robin
Batcave patch to rescue save files?
Rocksteady hopes it has a handle on the issue
AMD releases Catalyst 11.11a performance driver
Skyrim improvement/fix finally here
PC version of Arkham is bumped again
Another delay and date change with no reason
EVGA rolls out a new GTX 580
With Batman: Arkham City game
Arkham City sells 4.6 million in a week
New Batman off to an impressive debut
Arkham City PC release date confirmed
Will arrive on November 18th for PC players
Arkham City DLC to start November 1st
Three DLC offerings are now already known
PC version of Arkham City to use GFWL

Not the news that many PC owners wanted