Warner confirms GOTY edition of Arkham City
Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC coming soon, as well
The GOTY edition of Arkham City will include the main game, of course, plus all of the extras (and when we say all of the extras, we mean them all). It will include the challenge DLC maps, and all of the character DLC extras such as Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing. It will also include all of the additional skins and will arrive with all of the rest of the DLC.
Those in North America will also get a download of the animated Batman: Year One as a bonus for buying the GOTY edition of Arkham City.
Warner also confirmed the upcoming release of “Harley Quinn’s Revenge” DLC that will see players able to switch between Batman and Robin while trying to stop Quinn’s plan for no good. Described as a story expansion DLC, the content is expected to arrive on XBL and PSN on or about May 30th.
The GOTY edition of Arkham City will arrive for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on May 29th in North America, while a release date in Europe was not confirmed, sources tell us we should likely expect it to arrive on June 1st.