Published in Graphics

Nvidia's 3DFX case opened to the public

by on23 March 2007
Judge changes mind on NDAs


A US judge has changed his mind about forcing reporters covering the Nvidia case to sign NDAs and has agreed to open the court proceedings to the press and public.

Judge Roger Efremsky's changed his mind after a lawyer from the Mercury News objected to his ruling requiring reporters to sign a confidentiality agreement before they can attend and cover the trial.

James Chadwick, an attorney with Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton in San Francisco told the Judge that it was unconstitutional to have press covering a case sign NDAs.  In the end the Judge changed his mind.

Creditors are suing Nvidia for money they believe they are owed as a result of Nvidia's purchase of nearly bankrupt 3dfx of San Jose in 2001.

The trail is interesting because it is supposed to provide a behind-the-scenes look into a Silicon Valley merger of two fierce rivals in the competitive video gaming industry.

It will also show Nvidia's accounting practices, which the company is not that keen on revealing.

The trial was adjourned for the rest of the day while legal teams for Nvidia and the creditors began poring over their lists of documents they believe are confidential.

More here.

Last modified on 23 March 2007
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