While its E9550 and E9260 cover the ultra-high and high performance embedded segment markets, AMD has now introduced the E9170 series, which should cover the power-efficient market. The Radeon E9170 series packs eight CUs, for a total of 512 Stream Processors, ranging from 35W to 50W board power and providing up to 1248 GFLOPs of compute performance.
The Radeon E9170 series will be available in standard and half-length single slot PCIe, MXM, and, for the first time, MCM form factors. It will also be available with 2GB or 4GB of GDDR5 memory on a 64-bit or 128-bit memory interface and with three or five display outputs, depending on the version.
AMD said the new E9170 series delivers up to three times performance-per-Watt, compared to the previous E67609 GPU and provides HEVC decode and encode, HDMI 2.0 and DisplayPort 1.4 outputs, with support for up to five displays, on some versions.
According to AMD, the PCIe and MXM versions of the E9170 series should be available for customers this month, while the MCM version will be coming in November.