Badged as a GTX 1060 the card is unlikely to be seen outside China and it is not clear when it will appear. has uncovered a new entry in the latest Nvidia driver which lists the ID of a new card: NVIDIA_DEV.1B84 = “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB.” ‘1B8 denotes the family of cards using the GP104 GPU.
Nvidia appears to be repurposing its GP104 GPUs that failed to make the grade as GTX 1070s or GTX 1080s and dropping them into GTX 1060 3GB PCBs. They will still come with the same 1,152 CUDA cores that make up the 3GB versions and will have slightly higher power requirements.
They will be then dumped cheaper into the Chinese market and help Nvidia make up the cash from the failed versions of its new production lithography. But they are still hobbled silicon and will need more juice. What isn't there to love?