With its streaming Netflix uses H.264/AVC but for downloaded content for offline viewing Netflix is using the open saucy VP9 encoding.
VP9 was developed by Google and is supposed to allow the same video quality with significantly less data bandwidth required. The downside is that VP9 isn’t supported by all streaming providers and is not supported by some browsers. Specifically, the Fruity Cargo-cult Apple has said it will not support VP9 which means iPhone users must get a proper computer or phone before they can download Netflix. Of course, they could just use another browser, but I am just throwing out seeds here.
Netflix is offering downloads in H.264/AVC High whereas streams are encoded in H.264/AVC Main. Netflix started optimising the encoding for each title last year and claims that change helped users on slower connections save up to 20 percent of their data.
Netflix claims that H.264 High encoding saves 19 percent bandwidth compared to other encoding standards while VP9 saves 36 per cent. It insists that it will save storage space on devices, but to improve video quality.
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Netflix saves bandwidth with VP9
Helping offline viewing mode
Netflix has started its offline viewing mode but is using VP9 to make sure that bandwidth demands do not break the internet.