Both XFX RX 480 8GB models were dubbed 'Black' editions. The XFX RX-480M8BFA6 will set you back £212.99. It has a default 1288MHz GPU clock. The XFX RX-480M8BBA6, costs £222.99, has a 1328MHz GPU clock.
Other things that Amazon told us was that both versions of the XFX RX 480 have 2304 Stream Processors, 8GB GDDR5 8Gbps Memory, a 256-Bit Memory Interface and three DisplayPorts.
Both listings stated that they were available today, which is odd because they are not. However we are expecting to see more UK retailers with Polaris cards soon. Word on the street is that AMD is trying to get as many of the beasties out there as possible.
Who knows it might even start turning things around for AMD before Zen even arrives, changes the world, cures cancer, brings east and west together, kills Donald Trump and encourages people to stop mucking around and get into space.