Following the launch of AMD's HD 6790 card, HIS has introduced its own version. Although it is left to tick at reference clocks, the card features HIS' well known IceQ cooler that should provide more than adequate cooling.
As noted, the new HIS HD 6790 IceQ X features 800 Stream Processors, works at 840MHz for the GPU and comes with 1GB of GDDR5 memory clocked at 4200MHz and paired up with a 256-bit memory interface. It needs two 6-pin PCI-Express power connectors that should provide enough juice for some additional overclocking. The backplate features two DVI, HDMI and two mini DisplayPort outputs.
The IceQ cooler is well known and has done a great job on some other HD 6000 series cards so we have no doubt that it will do a fine job on the HD 6790 as well. The card should be available pretty soon and the European suggested price tag is €129.90, or US $149.99 for the USA.
Published in
HIS rolls out its own HD 6790
Slaps the IceQ X cooler on it