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Taiwanese IT companies concerned about the economy

by on08 October 2008


Rewriting budgets as we speak

The general confidence in the market that comes from the Far East, the home of many IT companies, is not so good. We spoke to several people and they were all sharing the same thoughts that Taiwanese IT companies are definitely scared about what will happen in coming months and further in 2009.

Most of them expect that the worst is not over and they are seriously rethinking their budgets for 2009, especially for the U.S. market. There will certainly be some budget cuts.  

The fear of multiple Chapter 11 that might hit some big names in the overall market is overwhelming and it adds a bad aura to an already shaken market. Our multiple sources indicated that business is already down in Taiwan and they expect it to go down even further. Generally, when people are scared about tomorrow, they don’t invest or spend money.

The general feeling that comes from Taiwan can be placed in a single sentence. The name of the game is “The more you play, the more you lose”.

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Last modified on 09 October 2008
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