Published in Gaming

No word on Dead Island sequel yet

by on21 May 2012

Deep Silver says it isn’t in development

The big surprise hit Dead Island does not yet have a sequel in development, according to publisher Deep Silver. While rumors have circulated that the sequel was already in development, Deep Silver says that this is not the case.

According to a lot of whispers that are going around, Deep Silver is apparently looking for a new developer to work on Dead Island 2, and the original developer (which was Techland) is apparently going to be replaced. While a number of rumors suggest that there have been talks, no final decision has been made yet.

If the rumors we are hearing are accurate, it would be that Spec Ops developer Yager might be the one tapped to work on Dead Island 2. It is unknown why Deep Silver would want to replace Techland. Still, Deep Silver is adamant that they do not have Dead Island 2 already in development with an internal or external partner. It does seem likely despite all of the denials that a sequel will get made at some point.

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