Published in Gaming

Skulls of the Shogun slips

by on06 March 2012

y clock

Will miss original release window

Skulls of the Shogun is being developed by Haunted Temple Studios for Microsoft. Word now comes from Microsoft that the game (which was nominated for best strategy game at E3 in 2011) will slip from its estimated original release window.

The game is being developed by a team that is mostly made up of former laid off Electronic Arts developers who were on the Command & Conquer 4 team. Hunted Temple Studios is being led by Jake Kazdai, who has worked on Rez, Space Channel 5, and the EA/Spielberg project known as LMNO that never made it out the door.

The original release timetable called for the title to be ready for release in February, but it is slipping, as the developers swat bugs and tweak the AI. The game is a retro-inspired strategy game that Microsoft got fully behind and expects it to be quite successful when it is released. No new release date or window has been confirmed, but it is expected that an announcement will come soon.

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