Homefront players have been waiting for the promised DLC, and finally, the first bit of content is trickling out on June 7th. The first release is called the “Fire Sale Map Pack” and it will be an Xbox 360 exclusive. We don’t know much about it yet, such as how many maps are going to be a part of the package. All we really know is that the Fire Sale Map Pack promises to take you further into the heat of a war-torn and twisted America.
In addition to the Fire Sale Map Pack, a new update has been released for both Xbox 360 and PC players that offers a number of improvements to the title. The improvements apparently focus on improving the stability of the game and addressing issues with network connectivity. As part of the update, THQ has thrown in as a ‘thank you’ what they are calling the “Abilities Pack,” which adds some new goodies for you to use in your multiplayer battles.
As for PlayStation 3 Homefront players, a patch has been delayed due to the PlayStation Network outage, but should arrive very soon once the network is fully operational again. We have also been told to be patient, as more DLC is in the pipeline for Homefront.
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Homefront finally gets DLC

360 only Fire Sale Map Pack arrives June 7th
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