The latest rumors that are going around about Crytek’s Homefront: Revolution are not good. While the rumors of no pay have seemed to have died down in the last couple of days, rumors of developing refusing to work till they are paid and developers leaving the project continue.
The latest talk that seems to be that Homefront: Revolution director Hasit Zala has left the project. If that blow was not enough, we are hearing whispers that Crytek UK development manager Ben Harris and studio head Karl Hilton may have also hit the bricks. Whispers say that currently there is no senior management in place at Crytek UK and development on Homefront: Revolution has almost come to a standstill.
What this means for Homefront: Revolution is unknown. The project itself has come too far to cancel it. We have to believe that someone is going to step in and fund the rest of the development and get the same finished and out there. It would seem that the game looks too good and has too much promise to just let it die.
We continue to hear rumors that Deep Silver who was to publish the finished game has been talking with Crytek about the situation. We have heard rumors of Crytek and the Homefront IP being purchased by Deep Silver to Deep Silver putting up the money to have the same finished by Crytek. So far we can find no one who wants to go on the record on if this is possibility or not. Not surprising given the situation.
What’s next for Homefront: Revolution? We wish we knew, but we will keep watching and listening and when we have something a bit more confirmed, we will let you know.