Konami, which happens to (of course) be a Japanese company that is located in Mid-town Tokyo, has announced that on July 23rd they will be opening a retail location known as the Konami Style shop. The store will be located in the Tokyo Mid-town shops.
The store will be open to the public and the focus of the store will be to see everything Konami. Shoppers will be able to check out the latest titles as well demo current releases. In addition, the store will have special items that you can’t get anywhere else and items that have been discontinued from sale on the Konami Web store.
For example, the store will be offering the Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker bundle that is no longer available, but it will be in stock for the store’s opening. Currently, Konami is not talking about the future of the retail store and the possibility of other retail stores in other parts of the world. As one source told us, let’s see if Konami can open the first store and make it profitable before we start clamoring for them to open additional stores.