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Last Halo 2 player quits
Death by disconnection
On April 15, Microsoft shut down the servers for the original Xbox Live, blocking users from taking original Xbox consoles online and blocking access to online features for original Xbox games via the Xbox 360 but it has taken 26 days for the last player in the Halo 2 Xbox Live game to become disconnected.
Microsoft shut down the original Xbox Live servers a week ago, but dozens of dedicated players are keeping their consoles connected, promising to play until their consoles die or Microsoft boots them. Microsoft said that it would not boot the players, we guess it was because it was curious to see how long they lasted.
Others apparently watched the stream on Justin.TV until one by one the remaining Halo 2 players were either killed or logged off, never to return. The final player, Apache N4SIR, was booted from Halo 2 during the early hours of May 11. His final opponent, Agent Windex, was disconnected from the game during the afternoon of May 10.