A Telltale’s programmer who goes under a forum alias Yare recently commented the complaints on Wii Monkey Island’s framerate problems saying that “an iPhone is much more powerful than a Wii”.
We’re all aware that Wii isn’t quite the top-notch piece of technology, and that its lack of muscle makes it look like a weakling when compared to PS3 and Xbox 360, but we’re also aware that it keeps beating its “superior competition” into the ground – day in and day out.
Just to make sure that he was taken seriously, Yare repeated his stance on this saying that the frame rate problems will be fixed eventually, but that the popularity of the Wii and DS isn’t making the hardware limitations any easier. This is understandable as it’s the developers that the lack of power hurts the most, since they're the ones who have to find a way to make it all work.
On the other hand, we can’t help but wonder whether there was a smarter and more efficient way to implement the code on the Wii, as PS3 and Xbox 360 developers are used to abundant resources, and often lack the will/time/money to cleverly optimize it for the Wii.
Monkey Island games are adventures, and we can’t seem to grasp why anyone would lack power for a game that excels and is famous for its in-game wits-exchanges, not graphics. And after all, Nintendo seems to tackle their tasks nicely and without iPhone references, why can’t they?
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iPhone is more powerful than Wii
TellTale's programmer claims