PC Gaming Alliance research indicates desktop game sales rose 18 percent worldwide last year; installed base stands at 228 million. According to the PCGA's 2008 Horizon's Report, PC gaming software saw revenues reach $12.7 billion in 2008 which is a rise of $1.9 billion, or nearly 18 percent.
Overall, the study found that the PC software and hardware market stood at $68 billion in 2008, with the PCGA saying that number is expected to balloon to $143 billion by 2013.
More than 42 million PC desktops and 31 million notebooks capable of playing games were shipped during the year. This figure is expected to grow to 59 million and 118 million, in five years. Gaming-capable PCs and notebooks were also estimated to be about 228 million during the year, and the PCGA estimated the 2013 installed base will grow to 600 million.