Intel is almost done with its upcoming G45 chipset. It has decided to brand it GMA X4500HD and the chipset should be ready at some point in Q2.
Intel’s performance projection based on nothing else other than 3Dmark scores, claims that the new chipset is 1.7 times faster than the G35 and targeting 3X the performance of the G33.
This sounds like a lot, but when we tested the G33, we scored a mere 338 points, which implies that the new one will score about 1,000 in 3Dmark06. You can check out the test here.
Intel finally promises DirectX 10 drivers at launch, as this wasn't the case, and the new chipset can support full bit rate support for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. HDCP is also integrated.
We still believe it will be inferior to Nvidia and AMD’s IGP solutions, but Intel is at least trying. The sad part is that such graphics will be the best that you will get in your 12-inch IGP notebook in 2009.