DFI has announced yet another motherboard based on Intel's P35 chipset. The new motherboard is another addition to its LANParty series, branded LANParty DK P35-T2R/S. This new motherboard features a P35 Northbridge and ICH9R Southbridge, FSB of up to 1,333MHz and DDR2-800 memory support.
According to the press release this is a value-add upgrade and a hybrid for both hard core gamers and budget overclockers. Finally, DFI came back to the LANParty brand recognizable colors, black PCB and orange/yellow slots which glow under UV light.
Besides the color scheme, the new LP DK P35-T2R features solid aluminum capacitors, a 4-phase digital PWM, six SATA II ports with RAID 0/1/0+1/5 functionality and Realtek ALC885 7.1-channel audio.
The new DFI motherboard comes with a BIOS that has been designed for overclocking, an EZ CMOS jumper located on the rear I/O shield and EZ touch power and reset switches. This motherboard might be the favorite choice of value-minded consumers, and really it looks great with the familiar LANParty color scheme.