Intel has pushed its G35 integrated chipset core all the way to December, if not even later. Intel originally wanted to release this new integrated DirectX10 chipset in early Q4 2007, but obviously, it skipped its original schedule.
We suspect that G45 will get more attention, as G35 is just slightly faster than G33 and many vendors think that it comes a little bit too late. Obviously, G45 graphics got more engineering priority, as this is Intel’s bit IGP thing for middle 2008.
Asus is working off their board and it is already listed at few places, but we heard that no one should have any G35-based integrated boards until late 2007. Late December or early 2008 is the new launch date now.
AMD and Nvidia still don't have a DirectX 10 integrated graphics core. This is scheduled for 2008, so Intel is not that much later.
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Intel G35 comes in December 2007
Heavily delayed