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New Alto laptop keyboard from Logitech

by on22 August 2007

Cordless version

Logitech has launched a new version of its Alto laptop keyboard/stand combination. This time it's cordless, something you'd have thought they'd done with the first iteration of this product, but not so.

What you're getting is a stand into which you place your notebook spread out as much as you almost can, to enable you to use it like a normal display.

The keyboard, which in terms of design reminded us of a compact model from IBM from a few years ago, then takes the place of the notebook keyboard to give you a more comfortable way of working on your notebook.

The stand also features a built in USB 2.0 hub, which comes in handy if you have a notebook with only a couple of USB ports. The kit is retailing for US$99.99 or €114.99. We're not sure why it's more expensive in Europe, especially as Logitech has it's HQ located in Switzerland.

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Last modified on 22 August 2007
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