Published in News

Windows Recall put on hold

by on14 June 2024

Not tonight Josephine

Software King of the World, Microsoft has slammed the brakes on the launch of its “Windows Recall” AI feature after shedloads of complaints about security.

For the past few weeks, Microsoft has been building up the excitement, promising that its innovative Copilot+ PC would be available from 18 June. The star of the show was supposed to be the 'Windows Recall' feature, a tool designed to capture screen snapshots and enhance hard drive searches, making them more efficient and user-friendly.

However, it seems that Windows has a search problem, particularly as hard drives have grown in size and data volume. 'Windows Recall' was the solution, but it has turned into a privacy nightmare, exposing sensitive information without any encryption, a serious concern for user data security.

Vole Microsoft’s been on the case, promising to sort it out so that all that data stays safe and sound on your device. They were all gung-ho about getting Windows Recall out the door on launch day, even planning an update to fix the issues immediately. But now, they’ve hit the brakes and said it won’t be ready after all.

This means that when they arrive, these fancy new Copilot+ PCs will be one trick short of a full show.

The word on the street is that Windows Recall will get tacked on in a future update, but Microsoft’s keeping quiet on when that’ll be.

Last modified on 14 June 2024
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