Musk said after he finds that special person he will just run the software and servers teams. We guess that since he will remain the only shareholder he will run the CEO too.
It makes for an interesting job description. The new CEO will take it in the neck for everything that goes wrong at the social notworking platform while having very little power to change anything. At the same time, he or she would have to cope with Musk shooting his mouth off to the media in "an uncontrolled PR disaster" sort of way.
The obvious move for any good CEO to repair the company would be to hire some staff an sack the person responsible for turning the company into a mess -- which would be Elon Musk.
Calls on Wall Street for Musk to step down had been growing for weeks and recently even Tesla investors have questioned whether his focus on the social media platform is distracting him from properly steering the electric vehicle business.
Musk admitted in the Delaware court hearing he had too much on his plate. He said on Sunday, though, that there was no successor and that “no one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive."
The poll calling for Musk to stand down followed a series of highly criticised decisions by Twitter’s new owner. He first banned an account that tracked the location of his private jet, and followed it up with a mass suspension of critical journalists who reported on the ban.