The course was founded by Woz to offer an affordable education.
"Our goal is to educate and train people in employable digital skills without putting them into years of debt. People often are afraid to choose a technology-based career because they think they can't do it. I know they can, and I want to show them how."
But the students have been through the 33-week programme are complaining.
Bill Duerr, called the programme "broken" and that "lots of times there's just hyperlinking to Microsoft documents, to Wikipedia".
Duerr moaned that there were typos in course content and so-called 'live lectures' were pre-recorded and out-of-date.
Student mentors were unqualified, and at one point, one of his courses didn't even have an instructor.
Instead of a quality programme, Duerr said Woz U was comparable to an ultra-expensive e-book: "'I feel like this is a $13,000 e-book,' Duerr said. Given the fact that Woz’s old company is charging $1400 for a $300 phone we guess the school thought it would try the same thing. Not sure how anyone could consider $13,000 “affordable” for a one year course, other than by comparison to other US academic courses."
Deuerr said while the course was supposed to be a program written by one of the greatest tech minds of all time,
it's broken, it's not working in places, sounds like a review of the Apple II".
According to Business Insider, Steve Wozniak said that he's "not involved" in the "operational aspects" of Woz U and doesn't know anything about the report.