Published in News

Apple owes Ireland 13 billion euro

by on23 February 2018

Pretty much what the EU has been saying all along

The Irish government's tax man was asked by the government what he thought Apple owed the country over its dodgy tax arrangement and he agreed with the EU.

For those who came in late, the EU has declared the Irish deal hatched out between Apple and the government was illegal and Jobs' Mob is required to pay shedloads of tax it should have paid.  Apple has denied that it has done anything illegal, but then again it didn't think there was anything wrong with forming an illegal cartel with book publishers to make its customers pay more for books.

The Irish government also does not want Apple's money because it fears that Jobs' Mob will take its jobs somewhere else so it asked its tax man if the 13 billion euro figure demanded by the EU was wrong.

However, Revenue Commissioners’ chairman Niall Cody told a parliamentary committee when asked if the bill his office is obliged to calculate will be in line with the record EU estimate, which Dublin and Apple are appealing.

He told them that it was was about right.

“Over 95 percent of the calculations are completed and we have agreed with the Commission that all our calculations will be with them before the end of April.”

To put this money into perspective, if Apple is forced to pay the Irish government will have enough cash to do the following:

Pay for all Irish Water bills for 30 years

End homelessness in Ireland AND half of the US

Build a tunnel connecting Ireland and Wales

Buy thirteen million Mars bars

Pay off a big chunk of Ireland's € 207,975,195,929 national debt.  The last thing is more important because a few years ago there were fears that Ireland would follow Greece with its debt problems.  




Last modified on 23 February 2018
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