Despite repeatedly stuffing up a basic programming feature which most kids learn to do it in high school, Apple seems entirely unable to programme a watch to tell the time.
Previous cock-ups have meant that Apple could not predict the time across datelines or just ignored summertime completely.
This time it involved the weather function on the expensive iWatch. Asking Siri something fundamental like 'What's the temperature?' or 'What's the weather?' or 'Is it raining?' caused the Apple Watch to crash.
Complaints about the problem appear to have started this morning, and the bug is confirmed to be affecting both LTE and GPS Apple Watch Series 3 models as well as older Apple Watch models running watchOS 4.1.
Not all Apple Watch owners in all countries are affected, but it appears to be impacting users in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
If you ask Siri about the weather tomorrow or next week there isn't a problem - it's only questions about the current weather conditions that result in errors.
It seems that Apple is so desperate to get its products into the market so that it can screw customers for vast amounts of dosh it can’t afford the time to do a decent QA. Still, you get what you pay for…. oh maybe not.