Damore was fired for circulating a 10-page anti-diversity memo in which he claimed that men are more biologically suited to coding jobs than neurotic women. Google should be hiring right-wing white guys who are open to business ideas rather than concentrating on hiring women and ethnic minorities he said.
Apparently his comments struck a nerve with Julian Assange who has also had a few problems with dealing with women who did not see things his way.
Assange, who is currently residing at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, voiced his support for Demore on Twitter saying "censorship is for losers".
"@WikiLeaks is offering a job to fired Google engineer James Damore," Assange wrote in a series of tweets. "Women & men deserve respect. That includes not firing them for politely expressing ideas but rather arguing back."
The 46-year-old Australian national tweeted earlier: "Identity politics 2.0 wars come to Google. Oh no. But mass spying is fine since its equal opportunity predation."
For the record, it is unlikely that Assange is offering anyone a job. He is just twiddling his thumbs in the Ecuadorian embassy and worrying that no one is paying him any attention.
British MP and shadow minister for business, innovation and skills Chi Onwurah pointed out that it was : "Good of Assange to clarify his position on #diversity respect for co-workers & #inclusion. We already knew where he stood on self-publicity."
"I value intellectual diversity and workers rights to not be fired for politely expressing the 'wrong' opinion," Assange responded.
Clearly not if the woman has a view about avoiding catching AIDS by politely asking you to wear a condom eh Julian?