Punters will pay up to 63 percent less for Local SSD storage that’s attached to the virtual machines they use in Google Cloud Platform.
Local SSD storage is designed to offer companies high-speed data access for cloud applications that require it for high performance like data analysis and other tasks. Google’s storage will last for as long as the underlying instance keeps running in the company’s cloud.
Google offers the ability to store arbitrary amounts of data in a Local SSD blob, rather than lock certain instance types to certain amounts of storage. Customers are charged for how much data they store each month. In the US. customers, Google will charge eight cents per GB stored per month under the new pricing scheme. We have not heard what the Euro price will be yet.
These price cuts also benefit users of GCP’s Preemptible virtual machines that can run for a maximum of 24 hours and can be shut down by the tech giant at any time if it needs the compute capacity for other workloads. In exchange for those drawbacks, customers using Preemptible VMs will be able to get the same compute power for a lower price.
All this shows how cut throat cloudy competition is getting with Google, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure all slashing their prices to stay ahead.