For those who came in late, Samsung SDI is the battery-making affiliate of the Samsung Group and Samsung insists that the batteries shipped in the Note 7 made by Samsung SDI caught fire. This is less likely given that when the job was given to another supplier those batteries caught fire too.
Nevertheless, a fire at Samsung SDI is going to cause much mirth among the Tame Apple Press which has been pushing the fake news that Samung phones all catch fire and Apple gear never does (and when they do they really don’t ).
Samsung SDI must be a handy target because it is apparently going to supply the batteries for the Galaxy S8 which is shaping up to clean Apple’s clock.
The reality was that the fire was minor, didn’t stop production, or require any recalls. In fact the fire was not even at the factory at all but at a waste depository, but don't miss the chance to have a dig at Samsung and promote your favourite company.