The researchers tore apart a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and found it included an IR camera but for security purposes, using the technology to recognize people using iris recognitio.
But the CAT S60 is a different cup of tea altogether. Caterpillar made the S60 so people could use it for thermal imaging.
Jim Mielke, MD of Teardowns at ABI, said: “The simplicity of transitioning between IR and visible light views and the extra sense provided by the IR detection is astonishing. The infrared cameras in these phones produce good qulity photos, as most phones today do, but then offers an added layer of resourcefulness by capturing a completely different view of the world.”
Mielke thinks that the advantage of having IR images aren’t that well known, but adding these kind of cameras to smartphones will add an extra level of usefulness.
He said: “Practical uses include air leak detection around the home, temperature measurement, individual biometric identification, even detection of burglars hiding in the bushes.”