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Google comes up with a daft gizmo
Don’t drink and write
Google has come up with a new tool which it claims can save you from sending drunken emails to your boss or ex-girlfriend in the wee small hours of the morning.
Mail Goggles is designed to make sure that you do not make a right tit of yourself by testing how coherent you are at the time you want to send your email. You set a time when you are most likely to be worse for wear and Mail Google throws five math problems up on the screen when you press "send."
You are given a limited time to solve them and if you can then you are more likely to be in control of what you write. If you have a beautiful mind even when you are tanked up on vodka then there is an option to increase the difficulty of the questions. Unfortunately, Google’s only way of testing you involves math. If you can’t add up even when you are sober it is likely that Mail Goggles is going to advise you never to send an email in your life.
Also, if you are working late trying to file news to Fudzilla before 4 A.M. being asked the square root of 3,423 when you have enough difficulty adding up your checkbook every day is just simply cruel. (It's 58.50, and it's 8 A.M., so stop moaning and get back to work. sub.ed.)
To activate Mail Goggles, go into Gmail's settings, and turn on Mail Goggles in the "Labs" tab.