Published in News

Older drivers save money by playing computer games

by on03 October 2008


Keeps the mind from wandering

A U.S. insurance
company is giving elderly drivers discounts on their auto policies if they play computer games.

According to a press release, Allstate Insurance’s “groundbreaking brain fitness software program" called InSight has the potential to improve elderly drivers' skills. Software from Posit Science is designed to reverse age-related declines in mental faculties that tend to naturally occur after people turn 50, according to Allstate.

Allstate research and planning vice president, Tom Warden claimed that tests funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health show Posit software cut the number of dangerous driving maneuvers by as much as 40 percent and the crash rate by half.

InSight is a game dealing specifically with driving, with more playful offerings such as having to remember where animated jewels are hidden beneath schools of virtual fish.

At least when you are caught behind an ancient driver with a flat cap driving at two kilometers an hour you will have the security of knowing that at least he knows where his animated jewels are.
Last modified on 04 October 2008
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