Published in News

iTunes for the blind released

by on29 September 2008


As if they have not suffered enough

The bloated
digital juke box iTunes, which is about as user friendly as shaving with a piranha, has been made more accessible to the blind.

Apple has been forced at legal gun point by Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley to program iTunes to make it accessible to anyone with software that blind people use to read the Internet.

Tony Olivero of the National Federation of the Blind demonstrated the technology at a press conference.  He navigated through iTunes, guided by a voice that called out whatever he slid the mouse pointer over, including file commands and the movie, music and TV titles iTunes sells.

Under the agreement, which required Apple to be less horrible to people in return for not being sued into next week, Jobs’ Mob must make iTunes accessible to all systems by next June.  Nice to see a caring and sharing company work to make its customers happy.
Last modified on 30 September 2008
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