3D Systems has just come up with a 3D printer which makes its creations using recycled plastic bottles. The Ekocycle Cube 3D is a collaboration between 3D Systems, Coca-Cola and Ekocycle.
3D Systems, the company which appointed pop star will.i.am as creative director is pairing with The Coca-Cola Company to print using recycled plastic. It's also teaming with Ekocycle who promotes sustainability. Ekocycle achieves this with "aspirational yet attainable lifestyle products.”
Plastic cartridges filled with recycled materials are fed into the machine to create a PET plastic filament, unique to this printer. Cubify offers customers a $5 credit for any cartridges returned after use.
The printer will be capable of printing an area of 6 x 6 x 6 inches with a 70-micron resolution.
The Ekocycle Cube 3D printer will be on sale for $1200. It all seems a good idea, after all if you don’t like you creation you can just melt it down afterwards.
The only difficulty we see with the project is that is fronted by popular beat combo artist will.iam still it could be worse it could be Justin Beiber which would not be fun unless you could melt the plastic twit down and turn him into something more useful, like an arse scratcher.